Tell us what you think is right! This experiment contains different judgment and attitude tasks - ranging from knowledge questions to your personal attitudes. It
Vera Sacharin & Richard Gonzalez
University of Michigan
February 23rd 2007 - April 23rd 2007
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between present, past, and future self-perceptions and adjustment to IBD, and how these may change
Fuschia Sirois
University of Windsor
February 11th 2007 - April 11th 2007
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between present, past, and future self-perceptions and adjustment to arthritis, and how these may change
Fuschia Sirois
University of Windsor
February 11th 2007 - April 11th 2007
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Welche GefĂĽhle schwingen in der Sprache mit? Tragen Sie zu einem internationalen Forschungsprojekt bei, in dem Kulturunterschiede anhand sprachlicher Emotionen bestimmt werden sollen. Es gibt
Tobias Schröder
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
February 5th 2007 - April 5th 2007
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This study investigates what people think their society believes about the qualities and roles that are desirable for each gender. You must be fluent in
Alison Lenton (w/ Constantine Sedikides & Martin Bruder)
University of Edinburgh
February 2nd 2007 - April 2nd 2007
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The following questionnaire investigates opinions which are held by men and women about the opposite gender and how they are related to personal experiences. Participation
G. Tendayi Viki & Manuela Thomae
University of Kent at Canterbury
January 23rd 2007 - March 23rd 2007
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Diese Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Kriminalitätsfurcht, der Frage, wie der Staat mit Straftätern umgehen sollte und damit, wie man seine eigenen Beziehungen zu
Saurer Michaela
Universität Bern
January 16th 2007 - March 16th 2007
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In dieser Befragung geht es um Ihre Persönlichkeit und Ihre Meinungen und Einstellungen zu verschiedenen sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Themen. Anschließend werden Sie noch um einige
J.-Christopher Cohrs, Philipp Jugert
IGC, Universität Jena
January 9th 2007 - March 9th 2007
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In this study we explore the relationships among emotions, motivation, and behavior. Participants will be presented with four short series of questions that asses the
Elena Stephan
University of Southampton
December 22nd 2006 - April 22nd 2007
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I am interested in recruiting women 18 years and older for a study I am conducting on Heterosexual Womens Sexual Well-being. I am interested in
Sandra Byers
University of New Brunswick
December 8th 2006 - February 8th 2007
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